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 1. Vic Eliason with Luanne Van Weerden  People Power: The End of the Electoral College  Crosstalk America 
 2. Chris Future  THINKfuture 679 - McCains Three Strikes - New TV Paradigm - Abolish The Electoral College  THINKfuture Radio Show 
 3. University of Virginia Art Museum  People's College Community Conversation with William Christenberry  U.Va Podcasts 
 4. El Vez  Power To The People  G.I. Ay Ay! Blues 
 5. El Vez  Power To The People  G.I. Ay Ay! Blues 
 6. New World Notes  #17 -- People Power  Kenneth Dowst 
 7. David and Lorna Ferguson  Power to the people   
 8. Public Enemy  Power To The People  Fear Of A Black Planet   
 9. Aceyalone  Power To The People  Aceyalone & The Lonely Ones 
 10. C.C. Chapman  The Power is the People  Managing the Gray 
 11. Paul Jacob  People Power  Common Sense, April 6 - 10, 2009 
 12. David and Lorna Ferguson  Power to the people   
 13. Cornershop  People Power     
 14. Sarah Bear  Power to the People  reviewed on pecknam.com 
 15. Public Enemy  Power To The People  Fear Of A Black Planet   
 16. Coca-Cola (Southwest Freeway Rock Band)  People Power - Instrumental  People Power 
 17. Coca-Cola  People Power - Instrumental  People Power 
 18. Coca-Cola  People Power - Vocal  People Power 
 19. Coca-Cola  People Power - Vocal  People Power 
 20. David Graeber Interview  People's Power Hour 052605   
 21. More Hip Than Hippie  More Hip 176 Power to the People 9/17/2008 www.morehipthanhippie.com   
 22. Robert Steele  Hacking Naitonal Intelligence: Power to the People  The Fifth HOPE 
 23. Robert Steele  Hacking Naitonal Intelligence: Power to the People  The Fifth HOPE 
 24. Robert Steele  Hacking Naitonal Intelligence: Power to the People  The Fifth HOPE 
 25. Robert Steele  Hacking Naitonal Intelligence: Power to the People  The Fifth HOPE 
 26. America.gov Multimedia - Persian  ia per 110608 e08 electoral  Politics in America - The Electoral Process 
 27. Erich Gliebe  Electoral Politics  American Dissident Voices 
 28. MC Money C, Jorge, and Grand Moff Wilhuff  PWBH-E47 1-10012005.mp3 - Episode 47 Dot 1 - College Daze Hour 2: More College Dayz!  Pull With Both Hands Podcast from www.pullwithbothhands.com 
 29. MC Money C, Jorge, and Grand Moff Wilhuff  PWBH-E47 1-10012005.mp3 - Episode 47 Dot 1 - College Daze Hour 2: More College Dayz!  Pull With Both Hands Podcast from www.pullwithbothhands.com 
 30. Frances Richard  A letter from my student Rebecca Gray, who attended the Barnard College Pre-College Program, Summer 2008  Reading at Unnameable Books, Brooklyn, NY, September 4, 2008 
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